Biology, Ecology, Genome Research, Health Sciences, Evolution, Psychology, Behavioral Science, Medical Research
148 listings
Submitted Oct 15, 2004 to Science Research Groups » Biology OncoLink was founded in 1994 by Penn cancer specialists with a mission to help cancer patients, families, health care professionals and the general public get accurate cancer-related information at no charge. Recent changes have been made to OncoLink to update the look and feel of our site. Through OncoLink you can get comprehensive information about specific types of cancer, updates on cancer treatments and news about research advances. We update the information everyday and provide information at various levels, from introductory to in-depth. If you are interested in learning about cancer, you will benefit from visiting OncoLink.
Submitted Oct 15, 2004 to Science Research Groups » Biology The World Health Organization is the United Nations specialized agency for health. It was established on 7 April 1948. WHO's objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Submitted Oct 15, 2004 to Science Research Groups » Biology The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is part of the World Health Organization. IARC's mission is to coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and to develop scientific strategies for cancer control. The Agency is involved in both epidemiological and laboratory research and disseminates scientific information through publications, meetings, courses, and fellowships.
Submitted Oct 11, 2004 to Science Research Groups » Biology A microbiology information portal containing a vast collection of resources including articles, news, frequently asked questions, and links pertaining to the field of microbiology.
Submitted Oct 10, 2004 to Science Research Groups » Biology ETI's World Biodiversity Database is a continuously growing taxonomic database and information system that aims at documenting all presently known species (about 1.7 million) and to make this important biological information worldwide accessible. Access to this online information system is free of charge for noncommercial use: scientific and educational purposes. All data in the WBD are copyright protected by the authors, artists and other contributors and may not copied or reproduced without approval of ETI and the lawful owners. The WBD is intended to increase understanding and to support a responsible use and to facilitate the management of the earths biodiversity resources. It is built as a joint effort of specialists worldwide who contribute basic taxonomic, ecological and biodiversity data to ETI to make this available in electronic form, both online in the WBD and in subsections on CD-ROMs.
Submitted Oct 09, 2004 to Science Research Groups » Biology Birds. Contaminants. Contracts. Endangered Species. Federal Duck Stamp. Fire. Fisheries. Fishing. Grants. Habitat. History. Human Resources. Hunting. Images. Information Quality. Index. International Affairs. Jobs. Kids/Educators. Law Enforcement. Legislation. Library. News. Offices. Partnerships. Permits. Planning. Policies. Questions? Refuges. Species. Training. Video. Volunteers. Wetlands.
Submitted Oct 05, 2004 to Science Research Groups » Biology Basic genetics, genome draft sequence, and post-genome science.
Submitted Oct 05, 2004 to Science Research Groups » Biology United States Census 2000. Estimates. American Community Survey. Income. Poverty. Health Insurance Coverage. Projections. Housing. International.Genealogy. Economic Census. Survey of Business Owners. Government. E-Stats. NAICS. Foreign Trade. Geography. Maps. TIGER. Gazetteer. Newsroom Releases. Recent News Conference. Minority Links. Radio/TV/Multimedia. Photos.Hispanic Heritage Month Multimedia. National American Indian Heritage Month Multimedia.
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