
The Grantsmanship Center (TGCI)

The Grantsmanship Center (TGCI)
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TGCI conducts some 200 workshops annually in grantsmanship, enterprise development and fundraising. More than 100 local agencies host these workshops and every year thousands of new graduates join our roster of more than 90,000 alumni. TGCI alumni attend regular meetings in Los Angeles and other cities, receive continuing support from the TGCI organization, and benefit from technical assistance and other forms of support delivered through the Internet.TGCI is also active in publishing. The Grantsmanship Center Magazine is mailed to the staff of 200,000 nonprofit and government agencies in the U.S. and 58 other countries. TGCI's Winning Grant Proposals Online collects the best of funded federal grant proposals annually and makes them available on CD-ROM. The TGCI proposal writing guide, Program Planning and Proposal Writing (PP&PW), is the most widely read publication in nonprofit history, with more than a million copies in print. Scores of government, foundation, and corporate grantmakers have adopted PP&PW as their preferred application format.
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 05, 2004
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