Peep and the Big Wide World
The animated series PEEP and the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovative idea of teaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctive visual humor, charming plotlines, and lovable characters combine with a comprehensive science program to attract and engage kids three to five years old. Set in and around a pond, a bush, and a tin can, the show follows a newly hatched chicken named Peep, and his friends Chirp and Quack (a robin and a duck), on their daily adventures. Surrounding them is a large urban park a place of great wonder and mystery, a place they are forever eager to explore, a place they call "the big wide world." The accompanying website contains online interactive games such as Paint Splat, anywhere science activities, printables, and science resources related to the program. |
Submitted by elementlist on Dec 09, 2005 |
600 views. Averaging 0 views per day. |
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