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  • women in scienceEfforts Needed to Remove Barriers Against Women in Science [National Academies] - The National Academies released a report Monday on the barriers that women scientists face in academia and suggested steps for eliminating gender bias that currently shrinks the pool of women at every step of the ladder from high school to college to tenure review. You can read the full report online for free from the National Academies Press.
  • Enlisting Science to Entice Shoppers [NY Times] - Multivariate statistical analysis, once devised to build a better nuclear bomb, is now being used to design better shopping experiences for consumers.
  • Princeton Researchers Hack a Diebold Electronic Voting Machine [CITP] - A group of Princeton researchers has shown just how easy it is to falsify voting results on Diebold voting machines with malicious computer code that can be virally spread through multiple voting machines. The CITP website hosts a video demonstrating how this is done. According to the research team, "Mitigating these threats will require changes to the voting machine's hardware and software and the adoption of more rigorous election procedures."
  • Submitted by elementlist on Oct 12, 2006
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