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  • iran nuclear bombSpecial Feature: Sustainable Energy Careers [Science] - The job market in the alternative energy sector is heating up. Find out how you can catch the wave.
  • When could Iran get the Bomb? [Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists] - David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security writes on what we know and what we don't know about Iran's nuclear program.
  • Octave, a free Matlab clone, and a bit more [MacResearch] - Finally, a free, open source alternative to pricey Matlab for your Mac.
  • How to build a solar generator [MIT Technology Review] - Built from auto parts, this solar generator could bring affordable solar energy to the masses.
  • It's Corn vs. Soybeans in a Biofuels Debate [NY Times] - "The study published by the National Academy of Sciences found that neither ethanol nor biodiesel can replace much petroleum without having an impact on food supply. If all American corn and soybean production were dedicated to biofuels, that fuel would replace only 12 percent of gas demand and 6 percent of diesel demand, the study notes."
Submitted by elementlist on Jul 14, 2006
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