
Play the da Vinci Drinking Game on the History Channel

Play the da Vinci Drinking Game on the History Channel
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The code? The code? Did Leonardo da Vinci have a code? No, he didn't have no stinkin' code. It's a cheap marketing gimmick based on a work of fiction that gullible slobs bought and swallowed whole by the millions. Good grief. By the fifteenth time I heard them say "da Vinci's code" last night on the otherwise decent History Channel special Da Vinci and the Code He Lived By I was feeling nauseas. They're going to broadcast an encore presentation, also known as a re-run, next Saturday, December 10. If you're at home alone or with friends on Saturday, sit down with a bottle of wine (you might need two or three, Italian wine is preferred) and drink a glass everytime they mention da Vinci's "code." If you don't pass out before the special is over, you might wish you had.
Submitted by elementlist on Dec 07, 2005
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