
Ocean Waves Powering a Toaster Near You

Ocean Waves Powering a Toaster Near You
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With gas prices going up, more and more people are looking to alternative energy sources to keep our lights on and our cars moving. Finding an alternative that is cost efficient and environmentally friendly, however, is proving to be a big challenge. Researchers at the Motor Systems Resource Facility at Oregon State University have developed a way to harness the energy in ocean waves using buoys which house magnetic generators. The buoys are anchored 1-2 miles offshore from the Oregon coast, where repetitive ocean swells generate electricity by causing electric coils in the buoys to move up and down around a magnetic shaft. A range of coil-magnet geometries and configurations are being tested, including a rotary generator. The researchers say that only 0.2% of the ocean's energy is needed to provide power for the entire world. But the real question is, how many buoys will we need???
Submitted by elementlist on May 20, 2005
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