
Newsflash: Scientists Like to Drink and Have a Good Time

Newsflash: Scientists Like to Drink and Have a Good Time
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I became convinced that science - rather than business school - was for me when my geology professor took the class to a popular watering hole next to campus to review for the final exam. Sure, lots of professors might take their students out for drinks, but how many professors keep the local bar stocked with Geology Honor Society beer steins! That's all fine if you're 'in the club', but how can ordinary people meet and interact with scientists in a friendly and informal way? Musicians and poets have open mic night. Writers have readings. Artists have openings. Now, scientists have Cafe Scientifique. The trend, which reportedly began in Europe, gained national attention last week with a NY Times article that reported on one recent gathering of geeks and coffee in Denver. The idea behind Cafe Scientifique, and its many variants, is to bring together scientists and non-scientists to mingle, hear a light science lecture, and discuss science. The official Cafe Scientifique website has a list of meeting locations around the world. There are currently only a couple of dozen gatherings around the U.S., but you can start your own cafe with assistance from the Cafe Scientifique organization or even watch a live broadcast of Cafe Scientifique San Diego.
Submitted by elementlist on Feb 27, 2006
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