
Nature Opens Interactive Newsblog

Nature Opens Interactive Newsblog
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The British science journal Nature has created a newsblog that is meant to operate as a forum for readers to comment on items published in the online journal. At the bottom of each news article is a link that takes you to the blog, which in fact is a bit of a misnomer since it seems to be little more than an RSS feed of the news articles that happens to be published with Moveable Type. There does not seem to be a link that goes directly from the Nature homepage to the blog, rather it seems that one must go through each news article or a personal bookmark. Readers will be glad to know that the blog and stories are accessible without a subscription. Note, however, that the blog only covers news items written by the Nature staff, not other items such as peer-reviewed articles or letters written by contributing scientists - but perhaps that is not too far away.
Submitted by elementlist on Feb 26, 2006
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