
NASA, What Have You Done for Me Lately?

NASA, What Have You Done for Me Lately?
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nasa hitsYou might think that NASA's latest trip to Mars won't affect you in the least, but NASA research has yielded numerous useful applications to everyday life. To highlight some of these achievements, NASA has created an interactive Flash site that describes some of the latest practical applications of NASA research. For example, NASA scientists found that thin grooves in pavement allow excess water to drain off of runways, thereby increasing friction by 200 to 300 percent and helping to prevent accidents by hydroplaning. By applying the grooving technique to highways, accidents have been reduced by 85 percent. In an effort to make sure science students are up to date on the latest space science discoveries, NASA has hooked up with Pearson Education, the world's largest educational textbook publisher, to develop new curricula covering science, technology, engineering, math, and space exploration. The new curricula will reach 100 million students at the elementary and middle school levels. You can read the PDF version of NASA Hits or see the Flash version at the link.
Submitted by elementlist on Dec 21, 2005
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