
Multimedia Friday: Comics for PhDs - Piled Higher and Deeper

Multimedia Friday: Comics for PhDs - Piled Higher and Deeper
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piled higher and deeper
According to Jorge Cham, "A recent survey by U.C. Berkeley found that 95% of all graduate students feel overwhelmed, and over 67% have felt seriously depressed at some point in their careers." So if you're feeling overwhelmed, put down your research and take a trip to Jorge's comic strip about graduate school life called "Piled Higher and Deeper " (PHD). You can read the latest comics online, buy books covering the first eight years of the strip, and even purchase PHD t-shirts and various geek gear. Jorge Cham has a PhD in Mechnical Engineering from Stanford University and is currently an "Instructor" at CalTech. When he's not teaching, Jorge has a very busy schedule speaking about his comic strip at universities around the country in which he "recounts his experiences bringing humor into the lives of stressed out academics, examines the source of their anxieties and explores the guilt, the myth, and the power of procrastination." You can see a clip from one of his talks here and even invite him to speak at your campus.
Submitted by elementlist on Feb 17, 2006
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