
MacResearcher Provides Handy Widgets for Scientists

MacResearcher Provides Handy Widgets for Scientists
5/5 based on 1 votes.
mac_widgetMac-loving scientists take note, there is now a website dedicated to you and your love of all things Mac. [Room fills with applause.] The site has the incredibly original name "MacResearcher" (why not iResearcher or iGeek?) and has dedicated itself to "cultivat[ing] [a] knowledgeable and vibrant community of Mac researchers who can collectively escalate the prominence [of] Apple technologies in the scientific research community." Believe it or not, there's not one single advertisement for Apple products, unless you miss the fact that the ENTIRE site is one big advertisement for Apple products. Then again, if you don't already own an Apple G4 or better, an iPod, an airport, and if, heaven forbid, you haven't already upgraded your operating system to Tiger ... well, then, you probably use a Dell. We particularly liked the latest post on scientific widgets for OS X Tiger (v10.4). There are several handy Periodic Table widgets of course, but also a NASA widget with space headlines, a Moon Atlas, a Genetic Code widget, a PubMed MEDLINE search widget, and an Earthquake Alert for the state of California from the USGS. The list goes on and on, and some of these are actually useful.
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 12, 2005
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31 of 53 people found this comment helpful
Posted Oct 10, 2005 - 4:32 PM:

Thanks for catching those grammatical errors wink

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