
Last Word on Deustchgate from Fafblog: NASA's Falwell-7 God Probe

Last Word on Deustchgate from Fafblog: NASAs Falwell-7 God Probe
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The best science gossip to come out this week was Deutschgate. The science blogosphere played its own round of Find the Brownie, inspired by former FEMA-head Michael Brown in which the objective is "to find an obscure but important government job held by someone whose only apparent qualifications for that job are political loyalty and personal connections." Now Fafblog has come out with its spin on events and this bit of news, further confirming our worst fears of a total overhaul of NASA by the conservative Christian right: "NASAs Falwell-7 capsule is scheduled to hit the Godian surface in late 2006, greatly advancing our knowledge of theoretical Godstronomy. Theres no telling what age-old scientific riddles we might answer! Is God made outta pure holiness an communion wafers or does he have an iron-nickel core? Does God have water deposits and a breathable atmosphere? Did God condense out of the same nebular gas as our own sun billions a years ago or did he drift into orbit shortly after the formation of the earth? We have so much to learn!"
Submitted by elementlist on Feb 12, 2006
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