
Help for the Science Job Search: Juju Job Search Engine

Help for the Science Job Search: Juju Job Search Engine
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jujuLooking for a science job? There are so many job boards out there that finding a job online seems to be getting harder, not easier. Just consider the latest edition of What Color is Your Parachute?, which claims that applying for jobs over the web is the worst way to find a job, but as a research tool the internet is extremely helpful. There is now a new job search engine called Juju that helps job seekers find great opportunities fast by letting them search thousands of employer websites simultaneously. The site regularly lists thousands of science oriented jobs of every description. The Juju homepage is Google-like in its simplicity with an ad-free homepage and an easy-to-use search tool based on keyword and location.
Submitted by elementlist on Feb 17, 2006
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