
Geek Chic: WiFi Digital Hotspotter

Geek Chic: WiFi Digital Hotspotter
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wifi hotspotterWhat do you do when you just have to get on the internet to find out if your tomography model is done, and you don't want your thesis advisor to know you've been shopping at Macy's where there's not a single cybercafe in sight? If Santa is good to you this year, you just might whip out your handy WiFi digital hotspotter to find an open wireless network. The Canary Wireless hotspotter from our geeky pals at ThinkGeek will tell you not only the presence of a wireless network and signal strength, but the network ID, encryption status, and channel. If you're lucky enough to find more than one open network, you can simply scroll down for the best one. It's small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and makes for a handy keychain.
Submitted by elementlist on Dec 05, 2005
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