Geek Chic: Water Powered Clock
If you're ever in need of a geeky gift, Think Geek is the place to go - online, of course. They have more geeky t-shirts and gadgets than you can shake a mouse at. One of their cooler gadgets to come out lately is the water powered clock. The 6-inch high digital clock uses an internal converter that extracts electrons from water or any electrolytic fluid, creating an electric current that acts as a fuel cell to power the clock. The clock provides the time and date as soon as the reservoir is filled and also makes for a cute little flower vase. The clock runs for months on a single fill-up. Flowers not included. If you want something extra geeky, try the water powered multifunction alarm clock, which has a clock, alarm, timer, and thermometer all in one. |
Submitted by elementlist on Mar 01, 2006 |
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