
Geek Chic: Folding Electric Trike

Geek Chic: Folding Electric Trike
5/5 based on 2 votes.
What has three wheels, folds like an umbrella, runs on electricity, and can scoot you around campus at a zippy 9.5 mph (15 km/h)? It's the sleek little Rider. Small enough to carry around with you on the subway and tuck discretely in your office, it's perfect for riding between the subway and home or office and for little trips across campus. The Rider has a front wheel motor, uses regenerative braking, and runs on a 24 volt rechargable battery that lasts for up to four hours. Reportedly, its best feature is that it leans as you corner, making it more maneuverable than typical tricycles. The Rider is designed by Elisha Wetherhorn, who is looking for a partner or two to manufacture the Rider and bring it to market. Any takers? (via Treehugger)
Submitted by elementlist on Dec 08, 2005
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