
Follow the Money: Top U.S. Cities for Academic Research Spending

Follow the Money: Top U.S. Cities for Academic Research Spending
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The National Science Foundation has ranked the top ten U.S. cities in university and college research spending in 2004 in a detailed report which you can view in PDF form here (dollars in thousands).[1] According to the report (p. 118), the total R&D expenditures for all academic institutions was just over $42 billion, with roughly $30 billion of that coming from state and federal sources, $2.1 billion from industry, and $7.8 billion from institutional funds.
1. Baltimore, MD--$1,750,904[2]
2. Los Angeles, CA--$1,527,602
3. Boston, MA--$1,521,001
4. New York, NY--$1,512,632
5. Philadelphia, PA--$1,475,536
6. San Francisco, CA--$1,388,218[3]
7. Chicago, IL--$1,105,317
8. Houston, TX--$1,099,652
9. Durham/Chapel Hill, NC--$937,598
10. Atlanta, GA--$784,330
1. Includes universities and colleges within a 20-mile radius of each city center.
2. Includes Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory, which spent $670 million on R&D.
3. Not including Stanford University. If Stanford was included, the figure would be 2,059,264, which would place San Francisco at the top of the list.
Submitted by elementlist on Oct 12, 2006
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