
Equal Time for Fuel Cells

Equal Time for Fuel Cells
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fuel cellAt a time when it seems that the U.S. government will go to any length to capture new oil reserves (sorry, Alaska), it is nice to know that some sectors of the government are looking into ways to reduce our dependence on oil. The U.S. Department of Energy even has a website devoted to Fuel Cell Vehicles. Fuel cells are one of the most promising new technologies that may revolutionize energy markets and, in particular, give us "zero emission" automobiles that may one day replace internal combustion engines in use today. Fuel cells run on hydrogen gas and produce no pollutants other than water and heat. One of the challenges is finding an efficient and effective way to produce and store hydrogen, which is highly explosive. The DOE has created the FreedomCAR Program in collaboration with major automobile companies Ford, General Motors, and DaimlerChrysler to promote research into advantanced technologies that will reduce our dependence on oil and reduce harmful auto emissions into the atmosphere. You can even find funding at the FreedomCAR site to support your own research into alternative fuel technologies. To find out more about how fuel cells work, check out this nifty animated website on the science behind fuel cell technology.
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 12, 2005
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