Element List's Top Story of 2005: Deflector Beanie Technology??
Of all the science stories and weblinks that were posted to the Element List website this past year, none were nearly as popular with readers as our post in November on the MIT graduate student article "On the Effectiveness of Aluminum Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study," by Ali Rahimi, Ben Recht, Jason Taylor, and Noah Vawter. Looking through the lead author's website, Rahimi has a curious collection of alternative research articles, or hacks as they're more popularly known. Previous hacks by Rahimi include "How to Eat Muffins: Heuristic Considerations" and a traditional telephone handset attachment for cell phones. When he's not doing science, he apparently moonlights as the campus pimp. Just amazing. How does this busybody find time to spend with his girlfriend? |
Submitted by elementlist on Dec 31, 2005 |
993 views. Averaging 0 views per day. |
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