
DIY Fun: Download Your Own Dodecahedron Calendar

DIY Fun: Download Your Own Dodecahedron Calendar
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calendarOne of my favorite words is dodecahedron. If you've ever taken a mineralogy class, you should know that garnets are natural dodecahedrons. The name refers to the number of faces, twelve, which also happens to be the number of months in a year. How conveeeeeenient. Ole Arntzen at the Institutt for Informatikk in Norway has created a website that shows you how to make your own dodecahedron calendar. Just type in the year, language, your preference for the week start day, and either PDF or PostScript format. You even have a choice of a regular dodecahedron or a rhombic dodecahedron. Then follow the instructions on the website for folding your print out origami-style into a perfect little dodecahedron. (Hint: You might want to use extra stiff paper.)
Submitted by elementlist on Dec 27, 2005
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