
An Afternoon with Hans Bethe

An Afternoon with Hans Bethe
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hans_bethe_physicsWe've received several cool, fun, and interesting science video clips lately. There is an online QuickTime video series of three lectures by 93-year-old Hans Bethe, a physicist and professor at Cornell University, who rose to prominence while working on the Manhattan Project and won the Nobel Prize for his work in nuclear physics in 1967. The lectures were given in 1999 to an audience of Bethe's neighbors at a retirement community in Ithaca, NY; thus, the lectures entitled "Quantum Physics Made Relatively Simple" are intended for a non-technical audience. If you're missing the days you spent sleeping in physics class, these are an enjoyable refresher--or a cure for insomnia. The lectures are each approximately 45 minutes long. There's also a voice-only link that you can download to your iPod.
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 12, 2005
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