
A World-Class Education at Your Fingertips

A World-Class Education at Your Fingertips
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Don't let a silly thing like the SAT keep you from getting a world-class education. Thanks to MIT's OpenCourseWare project, you can now access materials from more than 900 MIT undergraduate and graduate courses for free, and no registration is required. MIT OpenCourseWare course materials include syllabi, reading lists, study materials, and, for some, even audio and video lectures. You can download lectures in MP3 format from Prof. Gerald E. Schneider's undergraduate course on Neuroscience and Behavior, for example, and listen to them on your iPod. The MIT OCW group expects to have 1800 courses online from all five of MIT's schools representing 33 disciplines by 2008. The things you don't get are access to MIT faculty and a degree at the end to hang on your wall, but those cost only an extra $30,800 per year in tuition and fees, and, oh yeah, that dreaded SAT score.
Submitted by elementlist on Mar 22, 2005
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