Science Blogs
Blogs, magazines, and articles, mostly science and research related.
473 listings
Submitted Apr 27, 2007 to Science Blogs John (catshark) Pieret is a professional loudmouth and troublemaker with an abiding interest in preventing creationist promotion of ignorance in public education. He can frequently be found wasting his and others' time in the usenet group "". He is also the editor of the resource known as "The Quote Mine Project" at the Talk Origins Archive.
Submitted Apr 06, 2007 to Science Blogs Commentary on the emerging field of science-based brain fitness, spiced with fun brain teasers.
Submitted Mar 24, 2007 to Science Blogs Presenting the "other" side of academic physics, where people backstab and give lousy talks. Where people are sometimes lazy or incompetent, and the best don't get the credit or the job. From the perspective of someone lucky enough to have landed a tenure-track professorship.
Submitted Mar 24, 2007 to Science Blogs To introduce myself I should probably let you know that I am a physics graduate student working towards my PhD. I remember most of the 80s and was fortunately hidden away in a undergraduate lab for most of the time the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears were centerstage. Why am I writing a science-blog might you ask? Mostly because all the cool people were doing it, made me think about all sorts of interesting thing and wanted to be able to drop my two cents in every now and again.
Submitted Mar 24, 2007 to Science Blogs The sole living inhabitant of the Island of Doubt is James Hrynyshyn, a science journalist based in the southeast corner of western North Carolina (the "sea of certainty"). He has no evidence to support the tales that the island is also haunted by the spirits of Charles Darwin and Isaac Asimov, among others. He is an independent-minded journalist specializing in science, ecology and, whenever possible, marine issues. He has a degree in marine biology, another in journalism, and experience working on the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic coasts.
Submitted Mar 18, 2007 to Science Blogs A weblog of meteorological satellite imagery relevant to current weather events. Produced by the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center.
Submitted Mar 14, 2007 to Science Blogs HiBlog is a place where operations staff can post live updates on HiRISE activities, news and events, discussion, information about the mission, their own jobs, and the wonderful images of Mars we
Submitted Mar 14, 2007 to Science Blogs This site is a little project that lets me make fun of some things and sense of others. I use it to think a little more relationally without resorting to doing actual math.
Submitted Feb 18, 2007 to Science Blogs Economists on Environmental and Natural Resources: News, Opinion, and Analysis.
Submitted Feb 18, 2007 to Science Blogs works from a simple premise: that the tools, models and ideas for building a better future lie all around us. That plenty of people are working on tools for change, but the fields in which they work remain unconnected. That the motive, means and opportunity for profound positive change are already present. That another world is not just possible, it's here. We only need to put the pieces together.
Submitted Feb 18, 2007 (Edited May 06, 2007) to Science Blogs Futurismic is a website for people interested in the future and the effects of science and technology on the present.
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