
Genetic Algorithms Attest to Evolution's Effectiveness in Complex Problem Solving

Genetic Algorithms Attest to Evolutions Effectiveness in Complex Problem Solving
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dnaDespite what Intelligent Design proponents would have you believe, biological evolution is in fact very efficient at creating complex individuals that are uniquely suited to a large, complex, and even poorly understood environment. The basic principals of evolution--selection and mating between highly fit individuals over many generations to create more fit offspring with the occasional mutation--are used today by computer scientists to create genetic algorithms, which find numerical solutions to problems with many variables quickly and efficiently. The basic idea is that more fit parents selected from a random starting population produce more fit offspring to find the global optimum in a large array of possible solutions to a given problem. Occasional mutations prevent the overall population from falling into a local optimum, of which Darwin's Galapagos Islands might be an example. Genetic algorithms have been applied to many different types of problems from a range of fields including economics, ecology, networking, finance, and others. Contrary to the assertion that the universe is too complex to have been designed randomly without a creator, evolution is in fact quite good at creating a well functioning universe without anyone's help.
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 25, 2005
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Comments on Genetic Algorithms Attest to Evolution's Effectiveness in Complex Problem Solving

pvbilly (the doubter)

pvbilly (the doubter)
33 of 52 people found this comment helpful
Posted Nov 26, 2005 - 12:40 AM:

Wiki: A genetic algorithm (GA) is a search technique used in computer science to find approximate solutions to optimization and search problems. Genetic algorithms are a particular class of evolutionary algorithms that use techniques inspired by evolutionary biology.

Wiki: An evolutionary algorithm (also EA, artificial evolution) indicates a subset of evolutionary computation, which is a part of artificial intelligence. It is a generic term used to indicate any population-based metaheuristic optimization algorithm that uses mechanisms inspired by biological evolution.

Wiki: In biology, evolution is the process by which populations of organisms acquire and pass on novel traits from generation to generation, affecting the overall makeup of the population and even leading to the emergence of new species.

... So the ideas of evolution inspired a computer algorithm used in searches. That's nice.

But the lead-in purported to show up Intelligent Design for ....what? Nobody! debates that natural selection is capable changing a population. It's the "emergence of new species" that is in question and the references say nothing about that.

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