
The Physics Textbook - Motion Mountain

The Physics Textbook - Motion Mountain
3/5 based on 1 votes.
How does a rainbow form? Is levitation possible? Do time machines exist? What does 'quantum' mean? This site publishes a free physics textbook that tells the story of how it became possible, after 2500 years of exploration, to answer such questions. The text explores the limits of time and space, and the wonders that can be discovered there. Written in English, its over 1200 pages are provided for students, teachers, and for anybody who is interested in the precise description of nature. For each field of physics, the latest research results, the most interesting physical puzzles and the most telling physical curiosities are presented. Over 680 solved challenges and 510 figures, photographs and tables are included.
Submitted by elementlist on Nov 05, 2005
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